Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Featured on Colette Saucier's Blog Today

Colette Saucier, author of the fabulous PULSE AND PREJUDICE, is featuring TWIST OF FATE on her blog today - http://colettesaucier.blogspot.com. Please stop by and say hi to Colette and thank her for helping to plug my book! She also has a great web site, http://www.colettesaucier.com, with lots of interesting links and a fun Pop Culture Challenge Contest.

I will return the favor and host Colette here very soon, so stay tuned!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My Dream Realized

I received print copies of DESERT HEAT in the mail today! And they look awesome!! I can't tell you how excited I am to actually hold a copy of my own book in my hands. Many thanks to Sandy Sullivan, Beth Walker and the entire Secret/Sweet Cravings staff for helping me to realize my dream! I hope to organize at least one book signing to happen very soon...will update as soon as I'm able. Meanwhile, to celebrate I would like to give away a copy to one commenter. Just let me know what you enjoy about reading romantic suspense!

Friday, February 1, 2013


So excited because today is release day!! TWIST OF FATE is now available in e-book format from Sweet Cravings Publishing.  Devon Gallagher never imagined she'd become the target of a stalker. But hang-up phone calls, strange letters and a pair of her own shredded underwear drive her to seek help from the one man she thought she'd never see again: ex-lover Rick Bergstrom. Although both Rick and Devon vow to put aside their past together, as they work to unmask the stalker they discover an even greater danger -- their still-smoldering passion.

You can order TWIST OF FATE through Sweet Cravings at http://store.sweetcravingspublishing.com/index.php?main_page=book_info&cPath=4&products_id=128. It will also be available soon on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Smashwords!

To celebrate my new release, I will be giving away an e-copy to one commenter. Simply tell me about some wild, crazy twist of fate that happened to you!